Last Update: 15 may 2011

In the year 3172, the Dindrenzi declared war on the Terran Satellite Charter and its allies. Dindrenzi forces flowed into the Storm Zone, which is the quickest interstellar route to the heart of Terran space. The Strom Fleets of the Navy of the Terran Satellite Charter are hard-pressed to stem the tide of the invasion, and have sent for reinforcements. One of the formations heeding this call is a small group of proud ships from the Earth Defense Fleet, designated as Task Force 22. This is their story...
Welcome to my Firestorm Armada website, dedicated to the Firestorm Armada table-top space combat game made by Spartan Games. Below you can find pictures and information about my fleets, and in the future articles will be added on modeling, tactics, and battle reports.

Combat Fleets of the Galaxy
A bunch of overly pedantic un-official fluff about the ships of the FSA Universe!

My Ships:

Firestorm Armada Related Links




All original content by Andy "Ruckdog" Rucker